
. . An End-to-End Deep Embedding Framework For Malware Detection and An Interpretable Plug-in for Convolutional Neural Network, 2017.


. . A Classification model for Diverse and Noisy Labelers, 2017.

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NIPS2017 Adversarial Example Defense

Create an image classifier that is robust to adversarial attacks (40107)

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Abstract: Generative adversarial network (GAN) has shown siginificant imporvments of learning latent representation of high-dimensional continuous data such as images and videos. Many amazing applications such as video synthesis and image translation are based on the capability of GAN. Unfortunately, applying GAN to discrete input remain a challenging problem. One of reasons is the discrete nature of data prevent the discriminator from providing useful gradient information for learning. In this post, I will foucus on some recent techniques to address this difficulty in the text generation and the evaluation