I received my BS of Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University. I currently work with Prof. Min Sun in Vision Science Lab (Co-supervised with Dr. Ming-Yu, Liu). I have broad interests of vision and language. In particular, I am interested in natural language generation and how to learn disentangled respresentation of natural language. In additoin, I had some experiences about applying deep learning to malicious software detection in industry. In 2013, I spent a wonderful year as visiting student in CentraleSupelec, Paris, France. More details please see my CV(coming soon). I also have a Kaggle page
BSc in Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Create an image classifier that is robust to adversarial attacks (40⁄107)
Identify the correct place for check ins (top 6%, 72⁄1212)
Predict which hotel the customer will book (top 7%,121⁄1974)